
Epox-E-Glue gains its ultimate strength through the time it takes to fully cure and the additives which make it extremely tough. Many other Epoxy Glues are very brittle when cured. The faster an Epoxy Glue cures the less strength it has and the less likely that it will be waterproof. Also, fast curing epoxies have extremely volatile additives in the hardener to create a rapid exothermic reaction. Many of these are not good for your health. Carefully smell the hardener of Epox-E-Glue compared to others available and not the low odour. It is much safer to use and has minimal chance of becoming hypersensitive.

Bob made his speedboat by gluing it together with Epox-E-Glue.
The photo below is No mans landing was built for Anzac. It was located at the Darling harbour for ANZAC Day 2015. It was on display for 2 months. It was then packed up and taken to Glasgow, Scotch land. This structure was held together by Epox-E-Glue.
Features include:
Can be sent anywhere in Australia by post (no nasty chemicals)
Non-critical easy to use 1:1 ratio by volume – simply mix two equal scoops
The extended working life of 40 minutes
The full cure within 24 hours at temperatures above 10 deg C
Non-sagging thixotropic paste formulation easily fills large gaps
Bonds strongly to most substrates and is totally waterproof once cured
Glues oily timbers such a Teak (ask us for the technique)
Glues oxidising timber such as Eucalypts.
100% Waterproof and can handle permanent submersion in saltwater
Hardening can be accelerated by heating as high as 80 degrees celsius.
In plastic containers which will not rust

Information Sheets
Epox-E-Glue Technical info
200Grm Epox-E-Glue kits
Ultimate Rot Solution
All About Epox-E-Glue
Product Information
Epox-E-Glue Versatile Kit